You’ve spent time with our online shop as you are looking for the kind of products perfectly for you to “stand out” -- for your sexuality, sex orientation, your right of being who you are.
We used to fear of being our true self in front of people, we hide in the closet and deny what we truly needs. We did what you're doing, we felt what you feel right now, and we wanted what you want. And we are fighting for it.

We are not the first yet the only company who does business to support LGBTQ+ community. The more of us devote to this, the more people get to understand that everyone in this planet shares the same human right, everyone should be free to express who they are and show their love with pride.
All our co-workers in Pride Nation are fully LGBTQ+ supporters. (50% are LGBTQ+, the rest are those who knew little about LGBTQ+ at the beginning, but then understood what we do, now become a supporter as well).
The whole team spent months and days going deep into the pride nation, face to face. We watched videos, did researches and talked to people. We also obtained information from LGBT Pride Global Survey Report and so many others.
Then we got to know more and more about all kinds of our LGBTQ+ groups, the problems they are facing, and the solution we‘re probably capable to provide.
Different groups of people have different ideologies, gender awareness and self-awareness of sexual orientation.
Therefore, we provide specific products to meet all kinds of LGBTQ+ individual needs. For example, the full range of flags representing different groups of LGBTQ+ community. We also specifically divide the product areas for Gay, Lesbian, Pansexual, Bisexual, and Transgender people, Queer, ect.
And for the greater good of our beautiful community, we're aiming something bigger. Please stay tuned!
All in all, we hope that everyone who comes to our store feels surrounded by respect and love.